
Welcome to my homepage. I am an English language teacher by day, and a writer of literary fiction by night.

On the drop-down menus under ‘stories’ you will find links to the magazines where my short stories have been published and short summaries of the works accompanied by an appropriate image. There is also a brief biography.

This is a ‘beta’ version of my website that will continue to evolve and improve as I publish more work and gain greater mastery of WordPress’ myriad functions. I also hope to include some literary criticism and samples of the writers and writing that has inspired me to become an artist.

Please appreciate that I am a novice in website design. If any aspect of the navigation or presentation could be improved, feel free to make constructive suggestions.

Please browse the work and add comments and criticisms. I hope that you find the fiction that I write both compelling and thought-provoking. My diverse influences include, but are not limited to, the following authors: Frederick Prokosch, Ferdinand Louis Celine, Edgar Allen Poe, Joseph Conrad, Bret Easton Ellis, Jonathan Swift and Juvenal.

